Friday, September 22, 2006

The Crib's Last Day - Not!

Took a long series of pictures of the girls in the crib because I was going to take it down for good and wanted to record the moment for posterity. I took these pictures in August, and disassembled the crib shortly thereafter. As it turns out, it looks like I'll have to put it back up for next May. Wonders never cease & great things come in small packages.

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Monday, September 04, 2006

Sun Kissed

Here's the troops after the end of Summer block party at the end of a long three day weekend. It was a great Summer, as usual around here. Olivia attacked Summer activities with her usual gusto & even got a little surfing in.
As we hoped last Summer, D.J. made her big breakthrough with swimming just in the last month. As of the last few weeks, she has abandoned her floatie helper and is swimming the deep end and sticking her head under water as much as she can.
Little Grace is getting ready for her second birthday and clearly showing her independence. We are going to have to really watch out for her next Summer. For now, she is obsessed with wearing beads and carrying that little purse.
As for me, it was a great Summer, so action packed it can be hard to focus on the rest of life. As always, I am a bit melancholy about the coming of autumn. I will miss the long days and warm nights. Posted by Picasa